Sunday, 21 February 2010

I'm in with the Navy

im going to come again...once the snow is gone

to someone from Finland...

i always change my mind. i would say courier is my favourite font and i've been using it for years in msn and ever since i started my blog. but i decided to try something different by switching to georgia and guess what...i cant seem to let it go. nothing cant beat it after all!!!!!
i joined PostCrossing few weeks back. i had sent 3 at the moment. cant wait to receive my first!! since address are selected randomly i really look forward to get a Malaysian address...


  1. ooooohhhhh postcrossing will be so hooked!!!!~ have fun!! you might be surprise with the people u know, its such an amazing world right???

    mwah happy cNY!

  2. courier = old school

